Travis & Benny Weddings


Travis & Benny Weddings aim to be a breath of fresh air in this industry and to your wedding day, trust they, they know how stressful wedding days can be without the right professionals around!


Travis & Benny Weddings aim to be a breath of fresh air in this industry and to your wedding day, trust they, they know how stressful wedding days can be without the right professionals around!

Picture us gliding into your life riding on a cloud of majestic unicorns...

If you have a LOVE so COLOSSAL you want to scream it from the top of Mt. Lofty, guess what?

We want to capture that! This isn't a fancy sales pitch, we don't have one, we let our photography do the speaking for us.

What we do have is a lot of experience in this industry and we understand that being comfortable with your photographer is everything on your special day.

You bring the love and we will bring the bean bags (for comfort) and our fancy cameras along with the laughs.You just leave the capturing of your love story up to us.

Feel free to scroll up or dow, click on the links and have a snoop around. (Slowly exits on cloud of unicorns).


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