Elkhair Florist Event Stylist


As a mother of 4, a grandmother of 3 a wife and entrepreneur I pride myself as the woman I have become today and the person I have reflected to be in our community. Being a mother at the age of 18 ...

As a mother of 4, a grandmother of 3 a wife and entrepreneur I pride myself as the woman I have become today and the person I have reflected to be in our community. Being a mother at the age of 18 with 2 children and juggle both my private and business life, I have proven women can do whatever we put our minds too. We can accomplish whatever goals we set through the evolving and developing through change.

My passion and dedication for my weddings has grown over the years in which has led me to the expansion of services and products which now include event and wedding planning, styling and decorating entire weddings. My brides become a very big priority and because of my strong commitment, loyalty and devotion, my reputation is known to providing exceptional service that mirrors the professionalism on myself and my team by always innovating and developing new ideas and ways to work within the industry.

The end results of my work are put together with love, passion and adoration that create unique and original works of art. I will never let anyone down and make sure that my work is always left a talking point to all brides, guests, family and friends. Because of this I have become:1. 2015 Businesswoman of the Year 2. 2015 Local Business Awards Winner3. 2017 ABIA Awards winner for Flowers and Bouquets4. 2017 ABIA Awards winner for Wedding Planner5. 2017 ABIA Awards finalist for Decorations and Styling6. 2017 Local Business Awards Winner7. 2018 ABIA Awards winner for Flowers and Bouquets8. 2018 ABIA Awards winner for Wedding Planner 9. 2019 ABIA Awards winner for Decorations and Styling


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About the Team/Owner

Dina Kheir

A wife, a mother, a grandmother who has maintained a small business for the past 20+ years. I have evolved and developed through many life changes that has inspired me to innovate and develop new ideas to work within this industry.My team and I implement all the work and create a connection with my social media family though my Instagram and constantly upload how my work is created to help my brides get an idea of how their magical day comes together.The end results of my work are put together with love, passion and adoration that create unique and original works of art. I will never let anyone down and make sure that my work is always left a talking point to all brides, guests, family and friends.Â