Magician in Brisbane - Nathan Hedger
Corporate Events & Wedding Entertainment
Tell us a little about Nathan Hedger Magician?
I am a Brisbane magician and have been performing magic professionally since 2014. I am based in Brisbane however often travel interstate for roving magic, stage shows and more. The interstate events are usually for various corporate entertainment.
What type of Magic does Nathan Hedger Specialise in?
I specialise in comedy magic. My aim whenever I perform is to get your guests laughing and having a great time to create a great atmosphere. There are a few different styles of magic that I specialise in which include, sleight of hand, sponge magic, phone magic, card magic, mind magic and more. Roving Magicians are a popular option for events and weddings which are looking to set an exciting and positive atmosphere.
"I like to perform a range of different types of magic to keep the guests entertained and keep things fresh"
Why do you think people love magic?
I think people love magic because it is a bit of an escape from the real world. Magic is something that can take you away from whatever is happening in your life at the moment, if you are having a bad day for example, it can bring joy and amazement which immediately changes your mood for the rest of the day. It is an entertainment idea that shows people that anything is possible and that people can achieve anything.
Where was your most exciting event?
Every event for me is exciting, it is hard to pick one location! I love the interstate events, because you get to meet and work with people you wouldn’t have the chance to, being in the same location. Working in this industry, you come across some very interesting events. I think my favorites would have to be the large corporate entertainment gigs, those events bring out the best energy in people and in myself. It raises the atmosphere to a whole other level making it an even more memorable event.
What’s the largest number of people you have performed in front of?
The largest event I was hired as an entertainer for, would have to be around 400 for a stage show. When I was younger and performing in school, I used to do the Rock Eisteddfod’s where we performed for around 10,000 people a number of times. Maybe one day I will have the opportunity to again but with magic! Who knows!
How long is your magic show?
I have a couple of show options available with magic, roving magic and stage magic. I perform a lot of roving magic/close up magic and these packages range depending on the event and number of guests, however there is a 1 hour, 1.5hr, and a 2 hour package.
I also offer a 15 min stage show as well, which is great for wedding entertainment. For the large corporate events I do have multiple magician packages should the event be requiring it.
How did you land in the Entertainment industry?
I actually always wanted to do acting. I am a trained actor and have spent more than 10 years in the industry, however in Brisbane, Queensland the opportunities for bigger roles are less and less. While I was studying, I fell into magic as a career opportunity and realised how much fun it was, I also realised that I can implement my acting training into it to continue to better my performances. Therefore, I began to pursue magic as a career as well as the acting and it has continued to grow ever since!
What type of events do you perform at?
I do a lot of corporate entertainment such as awards nights, launches, end of year functions, social events, you name it. I also perform at a lot at weddings, bucks parties, Hens nights, birthday functions, and Christmas events. There really isn’t a limit to what types of events magic fits into.
Each of these events can range from 15 to 20 people up to hundreds or thousands. I think that largest corporate event I have worked on for just roving magic would be around 700 guests in which we needed 4 magicians from memory.
Do you include comedy with your magic?
Absolutely! I believe that is the best way to perform magic. Laughter is the best medicine they say, so combining that with magic is the perfect mix! Due to my acting background, I find it more natural for my comedy to flow with what the guests are saying and how they are reacting, rather then using set one liners. I want to leave the event, with all of the guests having sore cheeks from laughing and smiling so much. That is my goal every event.
What’s your best magic moment?
Wow, this one is hard actually. There are so many, from so many different events! I remember one trick I did to a young boy once for a family event and he was so amazed by it that he started crying tears of joy.
He just loved magic so much! There are other funny ones that still to this day blow my mind that they actually happened!
The one that solidified me into performing magic when I first started was back when I was working for Supercheap auto and on my lunch break I went to get something to eat. I was walking past this couple sitting at a bar having a drink and I stopped and asked them if I could show them a magic trick. They agreed, I performed and they loved it and I got my lunch and went back to work.
Thinking not much of it, just that it went well. I come out after my lunch break and the couple had come to find me to say thank you. The woman had just lost her job and was having a really rough time, but that little bit of magic just made her day turn right around.
To think that something like a magic trick or two can make someone’s day, that was the turning point that made me want to do more and keep pursuing it. The feeling of being able to make someone smile or laugh, is the best feeling ever.